5 Things To Keep In Mind This Holiday Season
Enjoy Quality Time and Come Back Rejuvenated to Tackle the New Year
It’s finally here, a magical time of the year as things wind down. A time to rest, rejuvenate and make merry. However, we often come back from the holidays feeling the January blues and struggling to cope with our lofty new year’s resolutions. Here are some ways to maximize your enjoyment this holiday season and start 2020 strong!
1. Keep Your Expectations Low
It’s easy to forget that what is the most celebrated time of the year can sometimes also be the most stressful. Family demands, many moving parts, travel, overcrowding, chaos etc. While we all dream of a perfect Christmas and New Year’s Holiday there are always things that will not go as planned and the best way to approach it is to take it all in your stride. Having lower expectations means you’ll be sure to enjoy yourself. Let go of perfection. Make merry in the small moments.
2. Be Less Reactive
It’s not a time to prove your point or get into an argument. Family gatherings can sometimes get heated and the best way to approach conversations you may not always agree with is to just listen. It’s easy to get involved and say things you may later regret. For your own peace and sanity, just watch the show.
3. Find Moments to Do What You Love
It’s the holidays after all, which means it is also a time for you to do what matters to you. It is important to find the time for yourself and catch up on hobbies you don’t always have time for — peaceful walks on the beach or just an afternoon snoozing on the sofa. Don’t overcommit your schedule for social gatherings.
4. Plan Your Goals for the New Year and Decade!
Avoid the January blues by ending the year strong. This means planning how you’d like to start the year with realistic goals and plans. Remember not to set yourself up for grand resolutions and instead choose small steps you can take everyday to accomplish your bigger goals. It takes every drop to fill an ocean.
5. Help Those Less Fortunate
It’s easy to get caught up with lavish meals, presents and beautiful surroundings. Remember to feel gratitude in every moment. If you’re able to help cook a meal for those less fortunate or provide a quick online donation to someone who may need your help, you’ll be sure to feel the magic of the season even more. There is much more joy in giving than receiving.
“Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.” — Ruth Carter Stapleton
Most of all, have fun! Even for those not celebrating or observing different faiths, Christmas is a magical time of the year with it’s charm and beauty. Indulge in it. A brand new decade awaits.