5 Ways To Reclaim Your 2020

With January nearly over, let’s reflect and reset.

Natasha Reddy
3 min readJan 30, 2020
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

2020 has sparked a frenzy on our TV screens — fires spreading, tensions in the Middle East rising, deadly viruses spreading and a helicopter crashing — all reminding us about the fragility of life and our planet. Even the doomsday clock moved a wee bit closer to midnight — a sign of the mess we are in. Yet, we chug along as if all is well, forgetting about the inconsequence of our tiny existence within the mammoth universe. We magnify our problems, procrastinate on our goals and neglect our health. We push our dreams to happen someday. I hate to break it to you but that someday is today. Now. Because, who knows what tomorrow will hold?

We all walked into 2020 with aspirations, goals and hope for a new decade. And that is a beautiful thing. While we cannot solve the world’s problems, nor achieve unrealistic new year’s resolutions, what we can do is set an intention. An intention to be better and do better. Let’s make 2020 a year about progress not perfection. A year to grow and help.

Here are 5 simple reminders to help us get back on track.

1. Put your goals in perspective

Remember, intentions not resolutions. It makes things much more bearable. And keeps goals realistic. If you want to become a good writer, set an intention to write everyday. It could be just a few minutes or a few hours. Resolutions are usually focused on an outcome, i.e. lose twenty pounds, which can be daunting. Focusing on the journey and having an intention to drink more water or move everyday can feel far more reachable than arriving at a far off destination.

2. Start

Dream of being a dancer? Start to attend a dance class. Want to speak Spanish? Start with a lesson. All it takes is to start. We often procrastinate because our goals feel unreasonable or impossible, when in reality we can just start with a small step. Because it takes every drop of water to fill an ocean.

3. Prioritize Your Health

Everyone in Canada is talking about mental health today. It’s part of a major telecom’s focus to end the stigma around mental health, because let’s face it, mental health matters. We will often look after our physical health neglecting the very organ through which we experience our lives day to day — the brain and more specifically our mind. Overwhelmed with work? Take a break. Anxious? Go for a walk. Don’t push yourself and respect your limitations. Most importantly be accepting of who you are. Only you can prioritize you. Remember that.

4. Have Hope

Hope is the very premise that keeps us motivated to achieve things that may seem somewhat impossible. It can be hard to stay positive when we turn on the news and are reminded of all that is wrong in our world. But, there are so many things that are right — food on the table, a roof over your head, and clean water to drink. Believe that whatever you want is within your reach.

5. Help

You can take steps to help change outcomes in our world. Donate to a cause you care about, call a friend to check in on them, give someone else some hope. There is something in giving that cannot be felt in receiving. It makes you feel whole and complete. To be in a position to help is to be in a position of privilege. Reach out. Lend a hand. Go out of your way.

The life you have today is probably the life you dreamed of five years ago. Taking small steps with intention whilst prioritizing your needs will get you closer to where you want to be. There are still 337 days left in this year — make them count.

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Natasha Reddy
Natasha Reddy

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