Confidence is all you need.
As a startup founder of an early stage startup I am often intrigued by the success of some serial entrepreneurs. Naturally, one draws a conclusion that they are smarter, more well networked, part of an awesome accelerator or are co-founders with the smartest inventor. Whilst some of us do have given advantages that may favour success, for the most part I have learned that there is one key ingredient to succeed, which all of us can manifest if we don’t already have it: confidence.
Confidence is most often referred to as a state of mind. By definition, it is “a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities”. But then doesn’t that mean that to be confident we have to naturally be endowed with some admirable qualities that really set us far apart from the average? No. I have seen this time and again in the interactions I have with the world around me. It is more important to have a firm belief in what you are doing and what you can achieve. Every successful founder is a salesperson. Their job is to sell their vision day and night in the face of every obstacle. Here are three tips to help you keep your head up high and stay confident so that you can conquer your dreams.
Visualize your future. I definitely believe in the the power of positive energy. If you want to have a company employing 100 people, with a great culture, changing the world and whatever else you dream of, then think it! Telling yourself you can’t make it, are incompetent, don’t have the resources etc. will never allow you to reach your potential. Running a startup is just plain damn hard. All these stories of overnight successes, ping pong tables at startup offices, fridges stacked with beer - it’s all BS. We are walking down a slippery slope where we fall everyday, get back up and move forward. It is hard. If we don’t believe in ourselves, nobody will. So think big, and see big. And of course, work hard to get there. Results will follow.
Do not compare. It is easy in the Instagram day and age to look at photos, feel envious, see success, feel left out of it and just feel like life is not fair. Sadly, self pity and comparing ourselves to others serves no purpose. A beautiful picture is just that, a beautiful picture. The thoughts, emotions, stories behind the thousands of pixels do not get portrayed. It is merely a facade. Everyone is walking their own journey and nobody knows what lies behind closed doors. Someone else’s success does not take away from our own share of success. So associate yourselves with people you aspire to be like and feel grateful to know them. Tap into that positive state of mind to grow. And you will grow.
Focus on your strengths. Nobody has it all. If you want to feel rewarded do things you are good at. Pick one or two things you want to learn and take a class, read a blog, follow an expert in the field and hone those skills. Every one of us has a unique value proposition and do not undermine that. It is easy to ignore what we bring to the table and focus on what others can offer. This is not the way to build our inner confidence.
Remember, doubts never fuel success but failure makes us grow and succeed. So get out there, try things out, make mistakes, live your dreams and be confident in your abilities!