The power of sacrifice to build strong habits.
For me it’s a Sober October.
Today happens to be World Mental Health Day. It’s such a large topic that covers so many areas but ultimately a strong and healthy mind is often overlooked in pursuit of the perfect job, house, body, kids etc. We are constantly lost in the physical realm and so taking a step back to focus on our mental health is so critical. After all, we experience our lives through our mind.
“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” — Buddha
Developing strong habits helps build the mental resilience we require to perform well in our lives leading to more joy, contentment and self-awareness. This is why I chose the challenge of a Sober October.
Inspired by my husband, Harsha, as well as motivational coach, speaker and bestselling author Rachel Hollis, Sober October is a month of giving up alcohol every day. No cheat days. No hall passes. Nothing.
But why? I am a social drinker who doesn’t really consume much alcohol so there are no addiction concerns. What does matter is the habit.
Needing a drink because I had a hard day. Or needing a drink just because it’s the weekend. All ingrained habits that society has helped us develop.
Networking event? Drink.
Dinner with family? Drink.
Celebration? Drink.
Baseball Game? Drink.
The list goes on! This is a perfect example of a sticky habit that has just been nurtured over time. Never before did I realize how much society expects of us to hold a drink if we are at an event and what a fuss can sometimes ensue when you don’t. Are you pregnant? Are you on a diet? Oh just have one, it doesn’t matter. But actually, it does matter.
Sacrificing alcohol for me is an act of self love. It is a commitment to show up for myself everyday without a reliance to grab a drink. Sacrifice teaches us how powerful our minds can be when we put our mind to something. We can undo any habit with enough dedication and will power. It doesn’t mean I won’t drink again, it just means every day this month I will not have a drink just to prove to myself that I can.
Sacrifice builds resilience.
Resilience builds strength.
Strength builds power.
Power builds purpose.
So through sacrifice I am giving myself control to have my own power back and this in turn helps guide me through my life. I could choose to give up anything but I picked something that I found was a frequent habit so I could show to myself what it means to be consistent (I also chose to be vegetarian). It is not the substance itself that matters, it is the act of going for a drink — the easy route to relieve a hard day. Instead, I can go for yoga, meditate, write or even fly a kite!
Being nearly 33% into it, I can say it has been pretty simple for me. It seemed like it would be harder to do but in actuality the first few days you think of the drink and then you don’t even care. It just becomes a new habit. Do I miss a tasty drink? Not too much. But I feel so much more powerful knowing that I don’t need to rely on it. It will shift the way I see drinking forever. It will also influence my aptitude towards any challenge and make me a bigger believer in myself.
It is for this same reason that people run marathons, perform fasting and maybe even delete the Facebook app on their smartphone home screen!
“One Important Key To Success Is Self-Confidence. An Important Key To Self-Confidence Is Preparation.” — Arthur Ashe
And preparation comes from consistent daily practice, which for me is through a simple daily sacrifice.
If you’re looking to take control of your life and build your mental strength, I’d highly recommend a similar challenge. It gives you a purpose to look forward to achieving everyday. It may not be hard, but at the end of the month you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment. That I can do it. And this will make you want to try on so many other things, which you may not otherwise have done.
At the end of the day, it’s all about habits. It brings to light so many things we do subconsciously. An experiment to change small habits will yield a totally different mindset and this will impact your life in so many big ways.
“The important thing is this: to be ready at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you could become.” — Charles Dickens
So how will you start to change your life?