This is Why Most People Don’t Find Their Passion
4 Simple Reasons That Could Be Holding You Back
It is a dream to spend a life doing what we love each and every day.
For some of us, we are born knowing our true calling. For others, it is a long and arduous journey to uncover our true purpose.
The reality is there is no one size fits all method to uncovering our passions. However, you could be wrongly approaching the discovery process. These are a few reasons, which could be holding you back along with how to better handle the journey.
1. You Believe Your Passion is Right There Waiting for You
Just like anything worth pursuing in life, finding your passion is hard work. It’s not typically something right there flashing at us. Just because we are passionate about something does not mean that it is not challenging to achieve or maintain that success.
For example, if you love to play tennis, you might pursue it as a hobby. The reality is to pursue it as a passion and make a living doing it, you will have to train really hard, hone your skills and push your body to its extremities to survive as an athlete. It isn’t enough to just enjoy the sport.
Passion does not make the work easier. It makes it worthwhile.
Passion is always the result of consistent work, time and dedication.
2. You Don’t Make Any Sacrifices
As they say, “you can’t have your cake and eat it too”. Often times when we are looking to find meaning and purpose in what we do, we are so focused on trying to feel a certain way that we aren’t willing to sacrifice what we have now for what we could have later. We don’t want to feel vulnerable.
In other words,
Comfort Mindset > Growth Mindset
If you value your comfort and are not willing to step out to explore and try different activities, then how will you grow? If you want to freelance for a living but won’t consider giving up a high paying corporate job how will you make that transition? The early days of exploring any passion can really suck.
According to Cal Newport, author of So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Search for Work You Love, he advises that we “Don’t focus on the value your work offers you. That’s the passion mindset. Instead focus on the value you produce through your work: how your actions are important, how you’re good at what you do, and how you’re connected to other people.”
The reality is you’ll have to sacrifice how you feel today for what you will become tomorrow.
3. You’re Looking For Clarity and Focus
If finding your passion was so clear, we’d all have conquered it. Finding a path for your life that is both fulfilling and meaningful is confusing. There could be many things we find contentment in doing. The only way to really know if we are passionate about something is by picking something we maybe only somewhat enjoy, sticking with it and diligently working on it everyday. Chose a path and put in the effort to improve. Clarity and focus will arise as you progress.
We have to embrace uncertainty and be aware of undiscovered opportunities that arise from pursuing a new path. We have to accept the uneasiness that comes with it. Find some magic in the mystery. Embrace the journey and don’t chase the outcome.
4. You Don’t Keep Track of the Small Wins
Most of us give up pursuing our goals if we don’t see any meaningful outcomes. This is why it is important to a) have clear goals and b) track our progress by way of small wins. This keeps us motivated to pursue our passion.
For example, if you aspire to be a bestselling author, which can take years to achieve, you’ll have to look for small signs along the way. This could be a 100 new followers on Medium one week, an offer to write for a new publication or a Top Writer badge in an area you are passionate about. Find gratitude in every step that takes you closer to your goals.
Adopting a winning mindset each and everyday reinforces our passion.
By changing your perspective when you approach what it means to be passionate, you will realize that like anything in life, it requires time and patience. We are each born with a unique gift to offer this world but it is upon each one of us to dig a little deeper to find it. That gift is our passion.